• 24/7 crisis helpline 970.925.SAFE (7233)


The first domestic abuse shelter in the Upper Roaring Fork Valley

Opening Winter 2025!



The Diane and Bruce Halle Center for Hope and Healing will provide a haven for survivors of domestic abuse.

Access to safe housing is one of the biggest challenges facing survivors in our community. In fact,
domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children nationwide and fear
of losing housing is one of the top reasons that a victim won’t leave their abuser.

The Center will house offices for Response with:

The Shelter portion of the Center will contain: 

  • 5 client meeting rooms
  • A conference room for partner meetings and presentations 
  • A food and clothing pantry for Response clients 
  • 7 efficiency units for survivors and children with kitchenettes and bathrooms
  • Outdoor secure play yard
  • Communal kitchen and living area
  • State of the art security 
  • Attached caretaker unit


The shelter will increase our ability to provide housing to survivors in our community by 133%



With your donation, we can turn this dream into a reality!

Donate and get a Colorado state tax credit!

The Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit provides a state income tax credit to Colorado taxpayers who contribute to eligible homelessness-related projects within Colorado. The Halle Center for Hope and Healing is an approved project by the state and therefore your donation is eligible for the credit if you have Colorado income tax liability.

Read about the Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit. 

Contact admin@responsehelps.org or (970) 920-5357 to learn more!

Building Progress

On track to finish in the new year!










Project Contributors

We couldn't do it without you!

The Diane & Bruce Halle Foundation Center for Hope and Healing


"I believe that everyone deserves a safe and respectful living environment, free from fear. Supporting the creation of this Center is my way of empowering those who may have lost their voice and bringing comfort to those in need." Diane Halle

Adler Schermer Foundation Jeff Kobacher
Allison Alexander Jillian Kops
Alpenglow Foundation Suzanne and Michael Kosnitzky
Alpine Bank Laffey McHugh Foundation
Charles and Shawn  Anderson Leslie Lamont and Lance Luckett
Aspen Elks Lodge #224 Theresa Joy Lee
Aspen Snowmass Sotheby's Int. Realty Jill Leonard
Denise Bachrodt Melony and Adam Lewis
Frances Balderston Marc Lofman
John Bennett Janie Lowe and Tom Oken
Joanie Bentzin Allison Mahoney
Catherine Bergman Susannah Martz
Dana Dalla Betta MacTameny Family Fund
Linda Binder Albert William Meyer
Anne Boenning and Dave Johnston Shannon and David Meyer
Glenn Bucksbaum Michael E. McGoldrick Charitable Foundation
Diana Bulman Laurie Michaels
Andrew Cader Patricia and Michael Miracle
Don Carpenter - Project Resource Company Kristy Mora
Beth Cashdan and Paul D'Amato Melanie Muss
Margaret Chiles Marcie and Robert Musser
City of Aspen Avery and Adam Nelson
Colorado Association of REALTORS Foundation Candice Olson
Colorado Division of Housing Sherrill and Brian Olson
Community Office for Resource Efficiency Fran Page
Chelsea Congdon Carol Pasternak
Lucy Congdon Kelly Peters Art
Betsy Crum Susan Peterson
John and Shirley Dean Foundation Paula and Ed Phillips
Decorative Materials Ali Phillips
Audrey and Samuel Detrick Pitkin County
Sandy and Cliff Deveny Ken Ransford
DPL Fund Enrichetta Ravina
Kathryn and Joseph Dziedzic RedRover
Eagle County Rachael Richards
El Pomar Foundation Aaren Riley
Jennifer and Stephen Ellsperman Roaring Fork MHC LLC
Ashley Ernst Renee Rolke
Amelia Estrella Diane and Anthony Rutgers
Amy and Gary Feldman Sally Sakin
Debbi Fields Renee Sandbach
Donna Fisher and David Behrhorst Jay and Linda Sandrich
Floreat Foundation Mary and Patrick Scanlan
Carrie and Kyle Ford Shelly Senterfitt
Mari Frankel Dawn Shephard and Randy Gold
Barbara Fretz Nancy and Mark Silverman
Marylin and Chuck Frias Mark Sinnreich
Karen Friedberg Alicia and Alan Sirkin
Garfield and Hecht site-architects
Sara Garton Michael Solondz
Laurel Gilbert Billy Stolz
Frances Ginsburg and Robert Olson  Linda Strickland
Giving Network Shelley Supplee
Robert Glickman Swaha Foundation
Cheryl Goldenberg Lex and Nicole Tarumianz
Gould Construction Juliet Shield Taylor
Glenda and Gerry Greenwald Susan Taylor and Rob Pew
Darryl Grosjean The Daniels Fund
Jeff Grinspoon and Jon Foley The Gates Family Foundation
Jill Gruenberg and Eric Vocik   The Salmon Foundation
Charlene Guggenheim Amy and Doug Throm
Nancy Hairston Robin Tolan
Diane and Bruce Hallle Foundation Town of Basalt
Susan Helm Town of Snowmass Village
Help to Create Hope Lucila Tremols and Galen Bright
Whitney Wolfe Herd Mark Tye
Amanda and Bret Hirsh Joan Valentine
Charlene and Andrew Horn Monica Vidal and Joseph Sherman
Hunter Douglas Eliza Voss
Jaqueline and Robert Hutton Erin and Curtis Wackerle
Keith Ikeda Susie Wallace and Bob Olenick
Jameen Jacoby Lynda and Doug Weiser
Laura and Michael Kaplan Mandy Welgos
Christine Karnes Rosie Wettstein
Jacquelyne Kasabach Marshall Whiting and Richard  Arnold
Katherine Kendrick Jacque and Tim Whitsitt
Keli Kirkpatrick and Braulio Jerez Carolyn Williams
Mary Jo Kimbrough and Jim Harrison Window Solutions Aspen
Gwyn Knowlton Jennifer Peterson Wroe
  Jeanne Zehrer



The Re-Building in the News!

Basalt Domestic Violence Shelter Ends its Capital Campaign with $9.65 Million

PitCo doubles its financial commitment to domestic violence shelter, urges other local gov to do the same (09/20/23)

Local domestic abuse org receives $4 million housing grant from the state (08/25/23)

Response gets $4M state grant for new domestic abuse center (08/24/23)

Giving Thought: Ending stigma, housing survivors, strengthening community (07/12/23)

Response makes progress with approval, funding for shelter (05/29/23)